The best chocolate chip cookies!

The best chocolate chip cookies!
The best cookies!

Here is our favorite recipe for tasty half soft American style chocolate chip cookies!

* 100 gram unsalted butter
* 75 gram white or cane sugar
* 75 gram dark brown sugar
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 200 gram plain flower
* a bit of salt
* 1 teaspoon of baking powder
* 100 gram chocolate drops (dark or milk chocolate)

Dice the butter in blocks of around 1 cm and add them together with the sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer (you can also use a hand mixer) and mix together until it looks creamy. Now add the egg and vanilla extract and mix until smooth.

Always divide in half until you have all equal parts

Now add the flour, salt and baking powder and mix until all the flour is incorporated in the dough. finally add the chocolate chips and mix on a slow speed or by hand.

Cover the dough and place it in the fridge for at least one hour to firm up. Most of the time we make the dough in the morning to bake our cookies late in the afternoon.

Preheat the oven at 170°c and divide the dough in 16 equal parts. Make little balls of dough and place them on a baking tray, then press them in a bit with your thumb, but don't flatten them! Now add some sugar on top or some extra chocolate drops as decoration.

Bake in the over for 13 minutes and let them cool down for a few minutes before moving them to a cake rack to let them cool down further. They are just amazing when they are still a bit warm. 😃

Ready to bake

Most of the time we double or triple the ingredient so we have plenty of cookies the the days to come. You can keep these cookies for at least one or two weeks, but most of the time they will not last that long!