Diestse Kruidkoeken

Diestse Kruidkoeken
First leaves on Tansy, also know as Boerenwormkruid in Flemish

Where I live we have an old tradition going back as far as the 16th century to bake green pancakes in spring with the first leaves of Tansy, a herb that has a bitter taste an will get small yellow flowers later in the season.

Only the small young leaves can be used, the older leaves will become too bitter to eat and can even upset your stomach. There are also other plant with similar leaves that cannot be used so be sure you know how to find the correct plants. I would suggest keeping your eyes open when walking near fields in summer to spot the flowers, then crush some leaves and smell them, that is the easiest way to check the young leaves during the next spring.

To make the pancakes I use a blender and the following recipe:

  • Half a liter of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 200g of plain white flower with half a package of baking powder (8g)
    or 200g of self-rising flower
  • two packages of vanilla sugar (20g)
  • around 30g of melted butter
  • around 100g of fine Tansy leaves, cleaned and washed

First put the milk, eggs and Tansy leaves in the blender and mix until the leaves are fine.

Then add the other ingredients and mix until you have a lump-free batter. Leave the batter in the fridge until you are ready to bake them

Pannenkoeken met een geurige kop chocolademelk | Dagelijkse kost
Als jonge gast verdiende Jeroen een centje bij in een pannenkoekenhuis. Daar leerde hij erg eenvoudige vanillepannenkoeken bakken. Het beslag kan je in 1-2-3 bereiden in de blender en met een geurige kop chocolademelk erbij, zit je gebakken voor een heerlijk vieruurtje.

On how to bake pancakes I would recommend watching the above video or have a look on YouTube on how to bake French Crêpes, I can recommend Alex. Here in Belgium we tend to bake them in quite a hot pan to give them a good color, but you have to be careful not to burn them!
