Setting up nginx as a reverse proxy server

To make multiple http-services available on a single IP you need to use a reverse proxy, it will see the requested domain name in the http request and forward it to the correct

Diestse Kruidkoeken

Where I live we have an old tradition going back as far as the 16th century to bake green pancakes in spring with the first leaves of Tansy, a herb that has a

Routing my Belgacom IPTV over the internet

I do not like to pay twice for things that I do not us that often, so paying two subscriptions for cable TV is something I will avoid. But during the weekend and

Charging an EV at home

When you buy a new car or have to chose an EV at work you will have asked the question what the best what to charge your call will be, and that of course depends on a lot of different things

Mixed capacity but the same drives?

I have been using two older drives for my TrueNAS but recently I have noticed that it is giving an alert that the drives have a mixed capacity. This is somewhat strange since